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Wednesday, 15 August 2012
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Wednesday, 15 August 2012
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Monday, 13 August 2012
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Monday, 13 August 2012
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Monday, 13 August 2012
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Saturday, 11 August 2012
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Monday, 06 August 2012
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Saturday, 04 August 2012
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Wednesday, 18 July 2012
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Wednesday, 04 July 2012
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Wednesday, 04 July 2012
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Tuesday, 03 July 2012
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How to be happy in a sexless magraire?My husband suffers from erectile dysfunction. Marriage has not been easy for us, but as a Chinese living here I don't have any other friends or anywhere to go. My husband is kind, loving and supportive. But he took a course of citalopram which he belives did affect him, before then he had no problem (although he was not with me at the time). I do love him but am very frustrated. I know he is too. We have been counselling, and he has gone to the doctor who put him on meds and to some level they work. He has seen psychsexual therapists too and it just does not seem to solve things. I love him and know he has done his best. I do want penetrative sex, the hand stimulation gets boring after a while! Are we destined to split because I feel this is unfair for us both.
Sunday, 29 April 2012
I partly know how you feel. My husnabd is able to maintain an erection but its not much use when his drive is gone. For almost too years we didn't have a good sex life at all. I'm alot younger than him and therefore want it alot more than he does. Now we've managed to overcome the problem to an extent, not completely but its got alot better. I don't know what the cure will be for you. I do agree the sex toys could help to fulfill your needs and you should definately try them. But although I don't have the answer, I do know that love conquers all and that it was our love for each other that has gotten us this far. So I don't believe you too are going to split. Eventually I'm sure you will find an answer. You've both gotten this far and you're working together on it. You'll get there. It is unfair for both of you but I believe that there will always be some imperfection in a relationship. If it wasn't a sex problem, it'd be a money problem or something else causing trouble in the relationship. I hope you do find the answer and I wish you two the best of luck. Also, I hope you will make some nice friends here. I'm Irish, from dublin and I have 3 lovely chinese friends and they are a blessing.Good luck, my friend ^^
Sunday, 29 April 2012
Liked Beauty Sweet Spot on Facebook, now let me tell you what keeps my wife interested in me, Romance. Married 25 years this year, and the flame beeetwn us has never once even dimmed..
Sunday, 29 April 2012
There are no known side effects from using Levitra on the loss of ejaailctuon. The usual cause of ejaailctuon loss is having a prostate problem. Another cause may be more of a psychological one. You said you lost interest or were distracted, so this can cause for the loss of ejaailctuon.Levitra is actually known to prolong premature ejaailctuon, but not remove it. Asked your doctor too.
Sunday, 29 April 2012
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Sunday, 29 April 2012
Hi Mike,Yes, we can extract that inomaortifn from the survey connecting people who say they work in Tel Aviv with how much they say they earned. This does not tell us WHO the person is in Tel Aviv, so the survey remains anonymous. I am going to do my best to post the rest of the survey and these details next week. I've thankfully been overwhelmed with work and classes but have a break over Chanukah. I'll do my best to get it up on the site soon, as well as previous surveys. I'm also planning to write an article for the MEGAComm conference magazine analyzing over a year's worth of results and post more info in it. And we will run another survey before the conference and make it a bit more detailed (not a lot), and present that at MEGAComm as well. I was talking to someone here about also providing a hand-out of the results at the conference not sure yet, but interested in the idea. We'll see. Obviously, after the conference, we'll also make this info available on the site.Paula
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