SHET sounds like a demon that you have encountered. A real person, a spiritual being, who tells you lies to destroy you. The Bible you quote is so clear; there is a personal God who has expressed himself clearly in the scriptures. Yet SHET tells you a mild reworking of pantheism. SHET tells you God is not personal - this is a lie. What else is SHET lying about?
You were probably raised with the belief of an external God, external to you, who is there as a good father to take care of you and the pious, and who punishes sins and rewards the righteous. However beautiful that is, look around you and ask, where was this God that is almighty and can do miracles to save the innocent during 9/11? Where was this God during the Holocaust? All those children dying from hunger, murdered during ethnic cleansing, entire species of animals (God's creatures) annihilated - were these sinners that deserved it? If God would be a good and just father sitting up on a cloud able to save millions of his suffering children, and he does not do that, then there are two possibilities: God is either impotent or doesn't give a damn, in which case he is neither good nor just. Another possibility is that God is the lawfulness itself, the process of becoming, existence, which means, the very essence of being - any being - in which case, we would be wise to learn this lawfulness, so we can become creators in "his image". What do you think was meant in the Bible by man having been created in God's image? That God has hands and a face? Or that we are similar in function, which would mean, that we can be creators of our own lives and happiness. That is what "SHET" teaches. He does not teach truths, but tools whereby we can undo our reliance upon external help instead of staying victims. By learning the universal lawfulness of how anything (things, situations, and etc.) becomes, which is the process of creation, we can replace the necessity of an external God with the knowledge that unites the transcendent with the immanent within. Perhaps, reading What is the Purpose of Creation? will make things clearer.